CUT-DOWN Washingtonia filifera -Calif. Fan Palms?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by mahiehie, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. Hello,

    Can anyone help me find a tree service or arborists that are cutting or will cut (in the near future) Calif. Fan Palms? Our school is in need of stumps to create drums. Please help me! I would appreciate it greatly.

    Long Beach, CA
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    I imagine the best thing to do would be to go through the phone book, look under arboriculture or tree removal services, and start calling.
  3. A real shame those palm trees are going to turn into drums? I wish I could trade you some Ponderosa pines for your palms!
    Regards, John

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