Cupressus nootkatensis 'Green Arrow'

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers) Photo Gallery' started by conifers, Sep 9, 2007.

  1. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Re: Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Green Arrow'

    'Green Arrow' is one of several cultivars of Nootka Cypress with weeping foliage, there are some other similar ones.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Re: Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Green Arrow'

    Cow: Nootka cypress

    Holstein cow: 'Green Arrow'

    'Green Arrow' is a garden selection (cultivar) of Nootka cypress. Nootka cypresses thought to have more pendent branches than normal for the species may be called weeping Nootka cypress. Some of these (there is more than one selection seen) are propagated and grown under the cultivar name 'Pendula'.

    In reality drooping branches are normal in wild stands near me.
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  3. Karalyn

    Karalyn Active Member

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    Boise, Idaho USA
    Re: Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Green Arrow'

    Okay, then I'm happy for the Weeping Alaskan Cypress, which they also put Pendula on it.
    I think I better get me some more of them at this price if they are still around. I'm not the only savvy one at H.D. but richer people would go to the Garden Nurseries. ;-)
    I forgot to mention that the serpentine larch was only at a H.D. 10 miles from me and I didn't have a vehicle that would carry it home for me at that time. They said most of the home depots are getting these $25.00 WOW pots of ornamental trees. But sad to say not always the one I wanted, which was the Blue Larch. So I just get the others that are on sale and that I like also and have been my hearts desire.

    Now I just need to send an email picture of the spot I think it would look good at and see if you guys agree. As I still can't decide where to put it but I'm thinking of putting it behind our irrigation pond which is 125ft long and next to a Weeping Morika, but not too close, on the other side is a tall ponderosa. Which is also screening out the neighbor's two story house.
  4. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Re: Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Green Arrow'

    Variety labeling of trees unreliable at Home Depot locations in my area. At this and other big box stores here one also needs to be aware that stock offered has often been allowed to become very dry and damaged between waterings.
  5. Karalyn

    Karalyn Active Member

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    Boise, Idaho USA
    Re: Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Green Arrow'

    These specimens area in great condition, and I think they were just dug up and burlaped and put into the pots. I have had some plants mislabeled such as a trumpet vine was suppose to be yellow but came out orange/red, but it took a few years to find that out. I still see plants that have labels in the wrong pots and I tell the workers, but they say they came that way.

    Also, even the good nurseries had their clematis mislabeled, between two Montana types. It was an easy mistake, but I found it right away as I've been studying and growing clematis for quite some time. One montana is white with large flowers, the other was a very pale pink. I read the description of the labels and it did say that the one was a very pale pink. Also the sticker on the pot had the right name on them, but they didn't notice that.

    Also, by looking at the plant there was some difference as well. I helped them change the labels to match the pot and plant.

    P.S.-Most of these came early in spring and we have had lots of rain and cooler temps which helps also.
  6. tsugajunkie

    tsugajunkie Active Member

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    SE Wisconsin
    Re: Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Green Arrow'

    "Green Arrow' is one of many types (cultivars) of weeping Alaskan Cypress.

  7. Karalyn

    Karalyn Active Member

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    Boise, Idaho USA
    Re: Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Green Arrow'

    Thank you very much. Now to decide where to put it.

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