Hi I was wondering if it would be possible to grow cucumbers from a hanging basket? I was thinking it would be easier to have the cucumbers grow hanging down rather than train them to grow up. Any suggestions? Merci!
I don't see why you can't grow cucumbers in a hanging basket. It would have to be a fairly large basket for cukes to do well. :)
If the plant is not well shored into the pot, the weight from the fruit set, may pull the plant out of the pot....or damage the vine, and I am certain that you would not want this result...
I'd say you'd need a bloody huge basket not just a fairly large one :} Sorry about that:} They take up a lot room in my vege patch and as K Baron mentioned the weight of the fruit will probably pull the plant out unless you intend to grow gherkins :}
You would certainly want to grow a small variety of cucumber, like Summer Dance. They are a very nice Japanese type of cucumber and they are lovely when they are picked fairly small, like 6-7 inches.