Dear forum dwellers, since last year I have been looking for the Crystal Fairy polyantha rose. Asked about it at local nurseries (I live in Pot Coquitlam) and retail stores. Nobody sells them here, though I saw them in two places growing in front of private buildings. I do not know if I may ask about it here, but just in case somebody is willing to sell 1 or 2 bushes of this species, I would be happy to buy them. Here is the detail page for this rose: Waiting for somebody's reply.
So there's no question the ones you saw near there were this cultivar and not another, among the many thousands of rose cultivars? Because it may be the case that it has never been offered there and you cannot obtain it, whereas the ones you have seen there are actually something else that you could get ahold of.
Yes, it is Crystal fairy that I saw on Soball street (my son goes to the school on this street) in front of townhouses - there are about 20 bushes of this species, but they were planted several years ago. I also can see them in front of one of the houses on the my street. So people were lucky to buy them a few years ago somewhere - at a wholesaler or a retail store like HomeDepot...
I tried to contact both neighbours and cottage dwellers - nobody replied. I need either a potted plant from a nursery or a mature bush from an owner. Starting with a cutting would take years and I am not sure if I will survive till I see first flowers :)
Planted a cutting last summer, growth speed did not satisfy me, threw it away 2 weeks ago, won't deal with cuttings ever again, need to see flowers this summer! :)))
Probably, summer was the wrong time for planting the cutting; anyway, won't take the same risk again - had to cut a branch of a rose bush that did not belong to me last year (as nobody replied my messages left at every gateway of the apartment buildings where they have about 20 bushes of this species on Soball street - just across the street where my son school is located).