After the peticularly nasty winter of 2006/07, a couple of my palms suffered serious setback. Crown rot and subsequent spear pull in the spring left me wondering if these palms could overcome potential death. Normally, burlap tucked in the tender growth point is all that's needed to get them past a cold snap. I however neglected to do so and the palms faced an uphill struggle. Copper fungicide applied in the spring and patience has paid off. Over the last month both, Butia capitata and Brahea armata have bounced back. I'll be more diligent from now on. Lesson learned. Cheers, LPN.
Hey LPN..are you saying that your palms had crown rot and still sirvived?? My Triangle palm had crown rot so after a while I pulled it out thinking it was dead...maybe I should have a bit more patience next time...thanks for the tip!! Ed PS whats burlap??
Yes ... the center spears pulled right out. No sign of life for 4 months anyway. Burlap - coarse jute fabric. Maybe this term is used in North America and not "down under". Cheers, LPN.