Hmmm? Are these crocus that have been in the ground a while or bulbs that were just purchased and planted last fall? Crocus are usually easy and come back yearly in most locations. What I am thinking is that you may have trimmed back the green growth on them last year and they did not have a chance to store enough energy to make flowers. Leaves should stay on until they die back. Another possibility is that they received the wrong type of fertilizer. Bulbs need a different formula than most other plants.
re: Leaves should stay on until they die back. I do not understand what I'm suppose to do with crocuses once the SHORT blooming days are over...I just fur the flower and leave the rest hang like they are dead? Annie ;-)
If you want flowers the following season, yes you have to put up with the hanging leaves till they die back. The alternative is to grow them in pots which can be hidden after flowering. I also grow bulbs at the back of a border and the unsightly leaves get somewhat hidden by the growing perennials in front.