I have been looking for these in the lower mainland for the past two years and have not found any selling these... Apparently they are available in the US but getting them here is a challange. Does anyone know where one could buy these in Canada?? g
Crimson Seedless is a grape that performs well in warmer areas like California, Australia, Chile and S. Africa. It probably wouldn't do very well in your area. I had a plant in a trial in the Okanagan it was difficult to get it to ripen there and it wasn't very winter hardy for our climate. There are other cultivars more suited for your climate. Jupiter is a cultivar that has shown some promise for the PNW. Cheers
Thank you so much for your expert advice... Is it possible to grow Thompson green seedless grapes in Surrey BC?? Last yr I found a plant and planted it very happily, but remain blissfully unaware whether or not it will be able to ripen the grape... Any thoughts?? Thanks again G1
Thompson seedless is again another grape that requires a long hot season to ripen properly. It also had specific cultural requirements that improve the fruit quality girdling ( increases the berry and cluster size) and GA applications( a plant hormone that increases fruit size, set etc.) If you put your palnt in a really warm spot and possibly try to create a small warm microclimate you could have some fun with growing it. As far as hardiness goes I think it will survive there. You could try Perlette it was grown in grape trials up in the Okanagan during the 70's and 80's it would be a nice grape to try. It ripens earlier and will survive your climate. The only drawback with it is the wasps like it and its prone to mildew/botrytis. There are lots of great cultivars you can try that's what makes it interesting. Good luck Cheers