My crassula has developed white webs around the area where the leaves join the stems. I have removed it to another room with no other plants and have removed the webs with my fingers. i guess that this is some sort of spider/mite infestation and would appreciate tips on treatment and eradication of the pest.
is it webbing or a bit of 'fluff'?? if it's just fluff, then it would be mealy bugs. treat with a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol. if it is really a web, then it would be spidermites...same treatment. reapply the rubbing alcohol in about 10 days and then again in another 10 if you stil see stuff. treat any other plants that are located close to the one that's infested, too.
Oh Thank You! It is fluff rather than webs but is webby when I pull them off the plant. Rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs it is then. Thanks again. I am happy that I do not have to go out and purchase something special but can turn to the first-aid kit. Thanks agian.
if it is indeed spider mites then a resolution is never close at hand. they will survive pretty much anything, except avid, which is banned in canada.
Thanks everyone for your advice. The white is more fluffy that anything and I have treated the leaf/stem joints with isopropyl alcohol. Will reapply in ten days and hopefully that will be the demise of the problem bugs.
Crassula wont flourish if being hosed down regularly. whereas spider mites may be addled slightly by it, they will recover completely in very little time. white fluffy spots on a succulent sounds more like cochineal insects