Just wanted to share my Myrtle that some people told me wouldn't grow or bloom here in BC. It's beautiful, every year is better, more blooms, beautiful exfoliating bark, the leaves turn a gorgeous deep red for fall color, I love this tree, best chance I ever took! My before & after pics:
I don't personally know anything about Crepe Myrtles, but this Web site shows many varieties that are hardy down to zone 6: These Crape Myrtles are Cold Hardy Through Zone 5! . Note the their photo of Pecos doesn't look like the one in your photo. I did see some other sites that listed Pecos as zone 9 or 10.
Yes, it's hardy to zone 6, but I was told by people it probably won't bloom here because it doesn't get enough sun & heat here. Not on this forum though. Here's the actual tree I bought from Monrovia through Arts Nursery :https://www.monrovia.com/plant-catalog/plants/1732/pecos-crape-myrtle/
Local performance varies with cultivar, Seattle has street tree plantings that apparently bloom every year. And by 2005 one at the University of Washington Medicinal Herb Garden was over 32' tall. While another at the Center for Urban Horticulture was 25'. And so on, through various locations around Seattle - see Jacobson, Trees of Seattle - Second Edition (2006). Crape Myrtle Article - Trees that merit planting in Seattle by Arthur Lee Jacobson
Some parts of Surrey are almost Gulf Island in garden climate - that’s my impression Your tree is lovely How long do the blooms last? Do the blooms attract bees and hummingbirds? I hope you update your post with some autumn colour pictures Are the branches pretty in winter?