I just purchased a property with a very mature crab apple( I think). i Very small toe t has very small fruit smaller than a cherry. The previous owner ignored the tree so it was covered in water sprouts which I am removing but there is also a fungus growing all over the tree( just the bark)..some moss green other light blue green. I will assume as with the water sprouts that this isn't good for the tree?What is the best approach and is there a natural fungicide out there instead of the norm..toxic The tree seems healthy considering all this..the leaves or a dark purple..and are not falling off thanks Scott
Is it mainly on the trunk? Sounds like it could be moss or lichens, which should not be a concern. Can you post a picture? Lime-sulfur is a good dormant-season fungicide that is not very toxic, and it also helps control scale insect. See http://lancaster.unl.edu/hort/Articles/2002/Lime-Sulfur.shtml
no its everywhere..actually its more on the branches than the truck...but as you mentioned it does look like a moss or lichen..not furry but more flat to the branch..sorry no pics..camera is dead. It is a very mature crab..very over grown( will fix this winter/spring) since the previous owner neglected it. I will also look into Lime sulfur..thank you for that scott