Found at 650ft Fraser Valley BC. Golden Ears. Found 2 times now, has very strong odor of mushroom. Has mushroom taste, medium. Stem varied but longer then cap diameter. Small flakes of flesh on stem and darker 'flakes' on cap, though smaller. No spore print. Gills soft and white. Stem flesh would not bend without breaking. No noticeable sack upon stem bottom. Growing in clusters on decaying wood, young conifer, heavy moss. brown to light beige. Based on Shape, stem details and growth type(clusters and singular) I concluded cortinarus though I dont know what specie.
Hi Joel, this land of ten species of honey mushroom, of significant visual variability, I think this looks like an Armillaria. If you run into it again, hopefully there are some older caps conveniently dropping spores onto lower caps to confirm white spores. Again, just a guess. cheers! frog
The signature feature of cortinarius is the cobweb-like fibers covering the gills, isn't it? I don't see any except maybe in picture 3. The cap in Picture 5 seems to have a piece of veil attached to the cap, suggesting another genus.
What frog said. Spore print should be white, and that distinguish it from most anything else. I would love to find some right now.
Me too: We've seen some very small ones, but have had no rain in this area lately and none in the forecast either. Am going to do some serious rain dancing this week I tell you what! Also, Joel I forgot to say: Thank you for the clear & concise description and diagnostic photos - that is great! - frog