Hi, I'm looking for information on what I believe to be a corn plant. I have owned this plant for many years, and recently moved it to a sunnier location in my home. It started to grow a stalk with what appeared to be buds. Then a few nights ago the buds opened up, and filled the entire room with a very sweet strong smell. The flowers close up during the day, and then open again at night. This has happened for three nights so far. Wondering if anyone has any information on this plant, and what we can expect. I did not know this type of plant produced flowers, especially with such a wonderful aroma. Thank you for any information or advice you can offer on its care. I'm attaching two photos that I just took, with the blossoms open. The stalk with the flowers was growing upright, but got too heavy and bent sideways. - Diana
Diana, Yes this Drac does bloom. (not too sure about others) I saw some at the Boeing field airport in So Seattle several years ago. They were over 6 ft tall, planted several to each large tub, several tubs all flowering happily. They had been there for several years. Your's looks pretty happy and is getting the right amount of light to bloom. Well done! barb
You have a Dracaena fragrans, aka Corn plant. They only flower when they are very happy and well taken care of, so whatever you are doing, keep it up.
I leave mine on cause I like the aroma, biggest plant is probably nearly 2 stories high, so no ill effects by leaving it on there Ed
they only bloom indoors when they're pretty old AND when they're well-cared for, so you're doing something right, congrats!! i'd leave the blooms and stems on until the flowers fade. then you can remove them.
Leave the flowers, they have a nice scent and don't look that bad,they do take some energy from the plant, but so do all flowering plants.