Corkbark fir hardiness?

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by sgbotsford, Nov 18, 2017.

  1. sgbotsford

    sgbotsford Active Member 10 Years

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    Rural Edmonton Alberta area, Canada
    I'm getting mixed information about Abies lasiocarpa var arizonica (Corkbark fir) hardiness, with citings of everything from zone 2 to zone 6.

    The tree where native is a timberline tree associated with Engelmann spruce. Locally (Rocky mountains west of Edmonton, Alberta) that corresponds to zone 2 or zone 1.

    I'm considering a seed source from SW Colorado at the 10,000 foot level.

    Would those have a chance in central Alberta Canada zone 3b?

    In passing: A. lasiocarpa tends to vary in warmth requirements for bud break with latitude, with cooler bud break associated with more northerly latitudes. This seems to be an adaptation to shorter growing seasons. The risk of a late frost balanced by a more time to grow. Moving them north should be tolerated at the expense of slightly slower growth, yes?
  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    I'd rate it zone 5 - less hardy than northern origins, but still very hardy (at least by my zone 9 standards!!). You could give it a try, the way global warming is going, you might well be able to get away with it.
  3. sgbotsford

    sgbotsford Active Member 10 Years

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    Rural Edmonton Alberta area, Canada
    I'm nominally in Canada zone 3b. Zone 5 is pushing it a bit much.

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