Contorted Filbert Tree

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by cortessherri, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. cortessherri

    cortessherri Member

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    Oklahoma City, United States
    Hi! This is my first time here. Ifound it interesting and useful but,my question/answer was not there.I have a Crooked Walking stick tree, just planted this spring. when the leaves first apeared they were heavely grooved curling and somewhat stiff, about an inch long. Now the leaves are about two inches long and look wilty and no longer has that nice stiffness or the grooves.Color is a good green. It is planted in clay soil in zone 7. Sun to part shade.Am I over watering or not getting enough water? Please tell me the correct texture. Ilove it and don"t want to loose it. Thank You
  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Re: Contorted Hazel Tree

    The soil should be moist, but not soggy. But if it is recently planted, it may be that it lost so much of its roots that it can't take up enough water to supply the foliage well. Spray the foliage with water and give it a screen for some temporary afternoon shade, especially in hot dry weather, to reduce stress until it can re-grow new roots.

    As an aside, it is a cultivar of Hazel (Corylus avellana) not Filbert (Corylus maxima).
  3. karmahappytoes

    karmahappytoes Active Member

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    Felida, WA USA (NW of the other Vancouver in USA)
    I have to agree with Michael F on this as we currently have two here. One in shade and one in full sun. We have around 24 cuttings that are now just leafing out, these can be tricky.
  4. cortessherri

    cortessherri Member

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    Oklahoma City, United States
    I thank you both. This is my "baby" in my garden. I have done a compleat renovation of the backyard. When abel I would like to send a picture. One more thing , Is the leaf texture supose to be floppy? thank you.

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