I have geminated 6x 1 month old seedlings from a lemon on my Meyer lemon tree. They have been re-potted into 3 inch terracotta pots. 2 are growing happily; 1 hated being re-potted and is drooping; 1 only has its first 2 leaves and does not appear to be doing anything BUT the 6th germinated after the others, grew out of the side of the seed ( does not have any round initial seedling leaves ), and is completely pale yellow - stem and leaves. It has grown 5 small leaves and is about 2 inches tall. It is also in the original plastic pot. The weather here is exceptionally hot - 27 degrees C indoors and upto 45 outside (36 in the shade). 22 - 25 degrees at night. The sun is also very strong. The seedlings are all placed outside at night and inside in the afternoon. All seedlings have been watered with rain water and a citrus fertiliser applied. I'm concerned that the yellow seedling is not healthy and will die medium term. Any suggestions to help turn it green?
Yellow or cream colored seedlings are quite common. Albino or semi-albino seedlings are even the norm in some varieties. If it is a true albino, it will die. Also it could be a variegated seedling, which if your lucky it might stay viariegated, or if your not lucky it might begin to flush green. - Millet