I'm interested in columnar apple trees for my small yard. I've been hearing different things from different people at nursuries. Some say the varieties available make for good eating and cooking apples. Some say at this point the apples are pretty much ornamental. I definitely do not want to plant an apple tree and find out the apples are not good to eat. What I'd prefer is a variety that is good for cooking. Is a high quality eating/cooking apple available in the columnar shape, and what's its' name?
If you really want good quality fruit and lots of it, go to the veggie and fruit market. :) If you want to grow some fruit at home for fun and possibly for use (if you get enough of a crop) then try the colonade or stick apples. I have found the graft union to be weak on the colonade apples (generally) so they require support, especially when they get a fruit load. I would suggest you consider a semi dwarf apple tree and if space is limited try growing an espalier (fancy word for trellis) shape. UBC has some great examples of apple espalier and cordons in the food garden if you eer get to the mainland. Make sure to look in to pollinators and such before you purchase a tree. Try Long lake nurseries and art knapps, they are both in Nanaimo and should have a good selection of fruit trees by now for this season. http://www.applejournal.com/ ( a link with some good info regarding apples)