climate zones

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by charlotte, May 24, 2005.

  1. charlotte

    charlotte Member

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    I'm looking for a website where I could look up climate zone areas(Pemberton to
    Vancouver area) The Argiculture and Agri Food website is not accurate for this area.
    Ex. most people say Whistler is a 4 their website says 6A
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Hi Charlotte,

    I'd like to be proven wrong, but I don't think such a site exists beyond the Ag Canada site. As you've alluded to, the broad paintbrush of the Ag Canada hardiness zone map does not work well in areas where wind, exposure, altitude and the moderating influence of the ocean can mean the difference between zone 2 conditions and zone 6 conditions in the span of a few kilometres as the crow flies.

    I'm not sure what advice to give - it depends on what you want the information for. If (for example) you are looking for real estate where you are planning on building a garden, I would think it would only be possible by either visiting the site or contacting a local garden club to find out who is successfully growing plants in the area and then trying to find property nearby.
  3. whistler

    whistler Member

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    Hi there.
    I have live in whistler for 23 yrs and just recently moved to Pembie. Based on our winters over 20 odd years, i would say and believe whistler is a zone 4. Though we havent had a cold spell to that zone for a while it has happened. Micro climates and protecting plants can up u to higher zone perhaps. But u must also consider Whistlers
    strange winters. IE-- Lots of wet snow, trees may be hardy but there branch network cannot support the snowload, cold winds, ice rain etc.
    hope that helps. If planting alot of the same material, I 'd go safe---Zone 4
  4. LPN

    LPN Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Courtenay, Vancouver Island
    Maybe you can place where you city is on this map from the, Center for Land and Biological Resources Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. From info supllied by the Ottawa Research Station and the Meteorological Branch, Environment Cananda 1993.

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