The attached photo (if this all works - new camera and first picture post) shows some eggs (I think) on my rooting grapes. Can anybody ID them and suggest a plan? The foliage is brand new and very tender. These plants are being grown in a woodworking shop (somewhat idle at the moment) so there are no adjacent plant sources. The only visable bugs are small black spiders. Only one shoot shows any damage, that being missing leaves (just tiny stems left). Thanks, Ralph
My government grape lab guru tells me that some varieties exude sap in little balls, so no worries! I'll watch then anyhow as I remember seeing a recent photo (which I cannot find again) on one of these forums showing very similar globs that were eggs. Ralph
Hey Ralph, It will be interesting to see if they turn into bugs or are just balls of sap. looks like there are little dots in the clear balls. Hmm... anyway that is a great photo Ralph. Really sharp for something so small.
hey ralph i have the same problem but the eggs are under some of the cement blocks in my back yard.But the ones i have ore the exact same thing but theres only about 6 or 7 and they are all clumped together.
Try a google image search for "slug eggs" and compare what you see there with what you have. Mine were definitely sap balls, thank goodness. Ralph