i'm sure something fun is about to hatch but I have what looks like small clear gel beads on the bottom of my okra leaves in the greenhouse. They are not on anything else? Any ideas on what they may be and if I should try to spray them off?
Here is a wild guess . . . . Could it be that sap has oozed out of the leaves and has 'dried' into these little balls? I know that the okra pods have a thick mucus like sap in them. I assume you have checked for any critters that may have chewed into the vein network on the leaves. If they are okay then perhaps the leaves are just 'sweating' sap. Although I have never seen oozing sap on my vegie plants, my orchid gets beads of sap along the midrib of it's leaves (nice and sweet and the ants love it) and the flowering cherry regularily has large gobs of a gel like substance that seeps out of the bark.
These are natural for the okra plant. The clear little balls are normal for an Okra plant. They are a sign of a healthy plant.These are sap produced by the plant to attract beneficial bacteria to the leaves for better disease resistance and plant nutrition. :)
OOMMGGGGG I SEE THIS IS 10YRS OLD But at the last minute decided to throw some okra seeds in my garden for the very 1st time and started noticing the EXACT SAME THING except I was calling it "sugar or salt looking" lol but now that you mention it it does look like just little tiny pieces of the inside of a wet diaper lol. So this ISSSS NORRRMAL??? TIA