Help, I have a xmas cactus that my mom gave me one leaf, I planted it and now have 2 plants, they are hardy but i cant seem to get them to bloom, can anyone give me some advice.
Put them outside in a bright but not in direct sun (you do not want them to burn), water (kkep moist but not wet) and fertilize all summer, bring inside just before the first frost and place them in a somewhat sunny window and you will get blooms. Mine blooms from Thanksgiving until Easter non stop. Red
Like cactus6103 said, growing them outdoors for the summer and part of the fall will do it. Their flowering is triggered by the fact that day light is decreasing. If you're growing them indoors you may want to move them to a room that isn't lighted during the evening. Alternatively you can put them in the dark or cover them with a bag around twilight until morning. Still, growing them outdoors is your best bet ;) Good luck, -Ryan