I live on Vancouver Island, and I am trying to find a climbing, flowering, perennial vine for the south east side of our house. I need a vine that is able to climb high and cover some space. I would like to try something other than clematis. Maybe a wisteria (are they too difficult), or honeysuckle (are they too prone to aphids)? Thanks for all your thoughts, Colour
I just purchased a Climbing Hydrangea. We planted it on the north side of the house. Not sure how's it's going to do. But it seems hardy. I have a Mandeville which I have to dig, cause it gets to cold. I've dug it for 3 years and brought in the house. And it came back each year. We dug it and put it under the house this time. I'm wondering if it's going to come back this year?
Misssuzie, I was wondering if you could advise me on how to grow a mandeville? I just purchased one and the leaves are turning brown. I have not planted it outside yet because the temps at night are still pretty cold. can you give me some advice on your sucess with yours? Thanks mtnflowers colorado