Chinese Fan Palm

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by beachhead75, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. beachhead75

    beachhead75 Member

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    Columbus, GA
    I just bought a Chinese Fan Palm earlier today to plant in front of my house being told by the saleswoman that it would not get any taller than 10-12 feet. What I was originally looking for was a short but fat palm tree that wouldn't grow taller than my one story house, so I figured that specie would be the one to satisfy those requirements.
    I got home and got online to research the plant more in-depth only to find out that some websites say this particular tree can grow up to 35 feet tall. Others say that it can be used as an indoor potted plant. Here is where I get confused. How tall does this plant actually get and is there away of keeping it at a certain height? I have not yet planted it, and would like those questions answered before I do. Any help is appreciated.
  2. LPN

    LPN Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Courtenay, Vancouver Island
    If by "Chinese Fan Palm" (I hate common names) you mean Livistona chinensis, then yes, these do grow taller than 12 feet. They are however slow growing and may take many years to attain even those proportions. There's no way to keep the palm a certain height as all the growth emerges from a central growth point. Topping or cutting the trunk will kill the palm, not to mention it would be extremely ugly. These are also rated (reliablly) to zone 9 and any temps much be below 20F would be lethal or a serious set back.

    Cheers, LPN.

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