Hello, I have a chinese evergreen that I have tried to propagate over the last several months. One leaf has taken root but it will not grow. It is not dying but it won't produce any more growth either. It is a single leaf with roots at the bottom of the leaf node. Do I just need to be patient?
I think you may not have taken a big enough cutting. The info I read on propagating Aglaonema, said that one would need a shoot with at least five leaves. You describe only one leaf. If the plant is dense with shoots, you should be able to take the plant out of the pot and separate out a few small whole plants.
Aglaonema 'Maria' is supposed to be one of the easiest to grow. Even though these plants are called Chinese evergreen, this one is from the Philippines. They are Aglaonema species and are native to tropical and suptropical Asia. I think your problem may well be that you did not take enough stem. There are plants that will develop from just a leaf cutting, but for most the grow tissue needed to put out a new shoot is not present in a single leaf. Look for a growing tip with several leaves. Remove the lowest leaves before you stick the stem into your cutting medium.