I think i have a Chili plant here. I've only had it for 2 weeks. I've never had one before so i'm not sure how to take care of it. I see over the last few days new wee leaves growing (very very tiny) so i'm reluctant to prune. I've saved the dried chili's i cut off when i got it for to use the seed to try to start a new one. Anyone have any advice or good tips on how to do this? or is it the normal plant and grow? I'm including pictures so if anyone has any advice at all it would be most welcome :-)
Howdy Plantchick, Chilli seeds are easy to collect and stored. Just split open the chilli and scrap off the seeds from the placenta. Spread them out and air dry them for a week or two and they can then be stored for a few years. Looks like your plant is suffering from insufficient light to me. Chilli plants are upright. In your case, the insufficient light caused the stems to grow thin. The extra weight of the chillies brought the stems to horizontal or drooping positions. Peace Thean
Thanks for your advice. I have some dried chilis from this plant that seen to have shrilved up a while ago. i can hear the seed rattling inside of them. Will these seeds be ok to plant or do i need to always open them while they are ripe and dry them out as you said? I also thought that most of my plants didnt seem to get enough light with the previous owner but now i have SO much light for about 6 hours a day i wonder if it's not too much.
Howdy Plantchick, Those seeds in your shivelled up chilli are perfectly good and will still germinate. Just split the pods and empty out the seeds. Quality of light is more important than the duration. At any rate 6 hours is not too much considering that the plant originated from tropical America where they get 12 hours of full blast every day. Peace Pheh