Nenbutsushu Sanpouzan Muryojuji "The Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism" Kato City, Hyogo Prefecture. Here is a link to their cherry blossom album on flickr: 日本庭園 桜 Cherry Blossoms - 念佛宗(念仏宗無量寿寺) 兵庫県加東市 Prunus mume: 日本庭園 梅 梅林 Prunus mume - 念佛宗(念仏宗無量寿寺) 兵庫県加東市 Here is a link to their other albums including architecture, art, Japanese gardens and temples, and other flowering trees and shrubs: 念仏宗無量寿寺(念佛宗) Art Project’s albums | Flickr - Photo Sharing! For more information and information on visiting The Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism go to: 念仏宗の総合案内