small ascomycete found on the ground, not far from the sea, in Villefranche sur mer, 26 november 2008 has someone any idea ? Thank you
It's likely to be in "Fungi of Switzerland: Ascomycetes" (Volume 1), especially since this series of books provide spore drawings and details. I may get to borrow this book again in a month or two, but hopefully someone on this list might have this book? cheers, -frog
These are great! The only yellow cups I'm familiar with are the Bisporella citrina and the Anthracobia melatoma. However? I don't think either of those is what you have here.
Harri Harmaja suggested Cheilymenia theleboloides thank you very much for this goog track - I first had this in mind, but as theleboloides is said to have septed hyalin hair up to 50 µ on the external surface, which I could not see on my specimens, I thought it could be some other species in the Coprobia or Cheilymenia. I have some exsiccata and I shall look again after these hairs Charles