Wow, all that work, and still not done... I guess it's never done, but it sure looks beautiful! Here is a 'before' picture with our mossy marsh for a front yard... This was taken about 2 years ago, even before our new vehicles!
And this is now! Any idea what photo #8092 is? It's a lily of some kind I think... Most of these plants were given to me, that's why they look kinda shabby, we transplanted them while they were coming up... On the right side of the pathway I've got 50 lily bulbs planted! Once they start to multiply I'll be giving some to my friends. Will be a beautiful display though. Will post an updated photo in a few months... Along the pathway edge I've got white Alyssum planted, it's just starting to come up... also have yellow marigolds, nasturtiums, stocks, and other colorful annuals to fill in the blanks... Enjoy the color!
Looking good :) The planting is a lil sparse, understandable if your working to a budget, why not see if you can get some packets of mixed flower seed, they are usually very reasonable, price wise......sprinkle them all over the place.
Thanx, already done... as mentioned... "Along the pathway edge I've got white Alyssum planted, it's just starting to come up... also have yellow marigolds, nasturtiums, stocks, and other colorful annuals to fill in the blanks..." these seeds have already been planted and are coming up...
I like it - much more interesting than before. More people should get rid of their lawns. Did you also replace your two cars with new ones while you were at it? 8D
A suggestion: on the streetside of the pool you may wish to consider building a low wall or scree and plant in alpines, check out alpine plants, rock gardening, lewisias. it looks like you could extend it towards the walkway and tie the walkway to the pool. ??
Some photo updates... The bare spots are where some of my perennials have already bloomed and been cut back, I'll probably fill them with some more annuals... I'm still kinda new at this whole gardening thing, but this garden is entirely my own design and ideas, so considering all the compliments from our neighbours and friends, I'm thinking I didn't do too badly for a beginner! Enjoy the pics! If you have any ideas or advice on my plantings... feel free to comment!!
An excellent job of it too! I especially enjoy the use of lilies as these are one plant that I do not grow but would definitely like to try some time. I cannot tell: is that gravel or bark as the ground covering in your planters? Also in your pool is that Hippuris growing upright in the pots? Maybe you should go for a landscape design license!
Thanx Terrestrial Man! In answer to your questions: The lilies are a pack of 100 from Costco for 60.00. Awesome deal, there were 10 different types in the pack, and they ALL are blooming! I have 50 in this garden, and 50 bulbs in my back garden. Looking forward to seeing them multiply! The brown in the garden is dirt, and the grey is crush gravel. Much too windy in this neck of the woods for bark mulch. Yes, that is Hippuris. Thanx for asking, I looked it up online, and now I know what it's called! LPN, our lawn was nothing but a marsh... hence the 'raised' garden beds. It's working out great! Plus I'm enjoying this much more than cutting the mossy grass... If I didn't need a lawn in the back yard for the daycare kiddies, that would be an entire garden too!
Okay, so it turned into a field of marigolds for this year... but amongst all those marigolds are all kinds of perennials that have finished blooming. I should have taken pictures in between April and August because it was quite a sight to see, as my neighbours put it. Very colorful and lively looking! I've got everything from purple Rhodos, Peonies, Tiarella, Chrysanthemums, Bleeding Hearts, Pulmonaria, Tiger Lilies, Stargazer Lilies, Hydrangea, Rose of Sharon... well, the list goes on... if I've seen in in someone else's garden and liked it, I bought one... Always something in bloom here. I have no regrets at all for turning our front lawn into a garden. I'm loving every moment of it! Thanx to UBC once again for ALL YOUR ADVICE!!! It's because of all of you my garden looks the way it does! (sorry so many pics... got a little shutter-happy!)
Do you grow anything in there for cooking, like herbs? It looks like you have one nasturtium, but I haven't met very many people that actually use them for salads.
Cooking? What's that? That's my hubby's department... He cooks, I clean... works great for both of us!! No cooking herbs in my garden... Nasturtiums are for decoration only, too peppery for me. Next year I may add some chives, they're pretty...
You have really created a beautiful garden. Did you say that you were new to gardening? If you are what you have accomplished is amazing. Especially since you had a difficult, marshy area to start with. You must have put in some planning for your beautiful plants to have thrived so successfully in such a difficult type of area. I really enjoy water features being incorperated into gardens. I'm curious if you keep fish in your pond? I'm sure that the parents and the children in your daycare absolutely love to see the beautiful garden each time they arrive at your home. Thank you for sharing your success and Happy Gardening!