Just recently read about this plant on a bee forum. Intrigued. I love the night scented flowers. Is this jasmine grown in B.C.'s Lower Mainland? I am surprised I haven't encountered it before. Cindi
It is tropical, so it is grown as a house plant in BC. Grows very easily from cuttings, so you can put starts out in pots or in the garden for the summer. I find the fragrance of this plant to be too strong to grow indoors. There is also Cestrum diurnum, which is fragrant during the day, less perfumy, just intensely sweet.
I'm also think this plant fragrance is too strong for indoor. I gave my away with the warning to the new owner:)
Ah, ha, then I certainly would not enjoy this Jasmine. I have that Hoya Carnosa that grows like a wildman in my house, when they bloom I have to put them outside because I find the fragance too strong, lovely, but not for the house, same as some cultivars of lilies. Thanks, good replies