Hi, I have been experimenting with different cuttings while pruning this spring. It looks like I have been successful with forcing callicarpa and some hydrangeas (still alive after 4 weeks : ) ). I also tried forsythia and ceonothus (california lilac) tips. They didn't work. With some I misted. Others were in plastic bags. Is it just too early or do they not readily propogate by cuttings? Is there a link to propogation sites? I've asked this without researching very much. Thanks for your help. Pam
Ceanothus, Forysthia I've had good luck propagating ceanothus when taking cuttings from new growth, usually in early July, and placing the cuttings in a sand/peat mix. Cover the pot with a plastic bag with a few holes punched in, and leave it in a bright place but out of direct sun. Forysthia roots readily if you place the end of a branch (still connected to the shrub) in a shallow trench, cover it with soil, and weigh it down with a stone or brick. I believe this method is called "layering".
Hi Pam: If you want to learn more about propagating there is only one place to go. The URL below is where my first choice would be. http://www.ipps.org/index.asp Jim