Fern in Central Park, Vancouver Canada. The stem seemed to have chaff on it which rubbed off on my fingers (see last photo for stem).
spiny wood fern? Dryopteris expansa ps - is that your plant book in the photo? (Coastal plants by Lone Pine Publishing?)
good question - the only reason i had any inkling of what your Central Park Bby fern might be is that I have them at my cottage on the other side of Vcvr. as for discerning one from the other - I looked at Wiki - and even the write-up there allows that it is easy to mix them up --- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dryopteris_expansa I suppose one needs to compare side-by-side specimens etc. ========== if you like wildflowers of the Pac NW ... do you have the Dr. Lewis J. Clark book - Harbour Publishing re-issue - http://www.harbourpublishing.com/author/LewisJClark maybe it might be helpful to go with your Lone Pine books. The downside of the L Clark book is that you have to flip back and forth a few pages from description-diagram - to the photo - but it's worth it if you're keen - and then compare to the Lone Pine Publishing Coast and Interior books ps - if you go to book sales / garden sales / garage sales - keep an eye out for the much smaller, specialized books by same author - they are approx 6 x 8 inches, and staple bound (ie "saddle stitched softcover) and were published way back - in the early 70's I think - they are the type of book that everyone's grandmother had in her cottage library or on the boat. If you click on this link (below) - then scroll down thru the images - do you see the photos of books with retro graphic design - one is avocado green, another bright orange - the fonts on the cover are old 70's style. http://www.amazon.com/Lewis-J.-Clark/e/B001K8V7VC