I need help identifying this apple tree. The fruit are pretty small, red, and really delicious. Thanks!
It is very difficult to ID apple varieties. Experts need to see several examples of fruit from different branches on the tree, and usually fruit cut in cross section. You could try posting some more photos of the fruit close up and at least one sliced, but positive ID online will be tough. You might look for local apple experts or try your local agricultural extension office. University of Illinois Extension - http://web.extension.uiuc.edu/state/
Thanks for the info. I will post photos of the fruit tomorrow. Whatever it is, it is a fairly common tree, serveral of my neighbors have them. :-)
If it is common that should make it easier to ID. Say, have you asked any of the neighbours if they know what kind of apple it is?
new photos! Central Illinois Apple Tree Identification Needed My neighbors do not know either! Here are some pics of the apples I took today.
The first variety to come to mind is Red Rome from looking at the pics, but have a look at this website for further help. http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/apples/varieties.html Cheers
Thanks so much for replying---I think you may be on the money. I will do some further checking... Have a great day!