How would it best to encougage the germination of some locally collected deodara seeds? The best soil and watering condtions?
Well-drained, gritty soil (not peat), water frequently but allow the soil to get nearly dry between waterings. Sow ideally one seed per pot, or at least widely spaced, to minimise risks of fungal diseases spreading from one seedling to the next. Were the seeds good, large, plump ones? (small, thin, lightweight seeds are empty and infertile). Were they stored cool and moist over the winter?
They were outside on the ground and rain for most of the winter but the cones have been brought into a dry place and are now flaking open. The seeds are well formed and free from any apparant mold. What I still would like to know now is there anything that should be done tor "trigger" germination?
Stone--I have germinated these, but they are one of the trickiest seeds in my experience...unbelievably prone to fungal disease while sprouting. Here are the detailed instructions I got from someone else... Soak seed overnite in warm water, pour off water and dry off seeds until husks just become papery again. It should not be wet to touch (15 min. in sun on paper towels). Put in thin plastic bag, no medium, fold over top don't seal bag. Put in fridge 30 days (or less)...take out of fridge, and plant in plug trays of well drained gritty compost as radicles emerge. Plant by sticking the radicle in the compost, leave rest of seed out to discourage damping off. Radicles emerge over 2 weeks, so several planting sessions needed. Wait for mix surface to dry before watering. Keep humidity down (no domes/covers). Once needles emerge they are pretty safe to handle.