Hedges: Cedar Hedge

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by dashley, Jul 30, 2006.

  1. dashley

    dashley Member

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    Ontario, Canada
    My new cedar hedge looks like it is struggling.....but full of seeds. Should I trim them off so the tree will feed the main branches or cross my fingers. What about a trim at this time of year?
  2. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    But why is it struggling? Not enough water in all that sun? Too much water? Bad soil? Cutting off seeds already produced won't help much.
  3. dashley

    dashley Member

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    Ontario, Canada
    Hmmm. Probably a bad start. I hired four burley guys to plant them (they brought 7' trees out of some farmers field!) My soil is clay based. A trench was dug, not very deep - and lined with top soil. We watered regularly for about 30-45 minutes every other day in the spring. I then thought that was too much as the trees didnt look happy, they are yellowish-green. Two have died all ready except for two lower branches. Yesterday I cut off the top of the almost dead ones...probably a mistake.
    So, as you can read, I don't know what I am doing. I am so sad to loose this hedge as I paid too much for it and also want the privacy I need...new house next door.
    So, what do you think now? I appreciate any thoughts.
  4. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    water them
  5. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    I think the problem is that the clay is not absorbing the water, and instead of soil in the planting mix, they should have used peat & gravel, but now it's too late. I hope they make it!
  6. whitey

    whitey Member

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    simcoe CA
    I know this reply is years late ........i just joined ....anyway, I planted my cedar hedge back in 1992... 1ft apart, about 200 2ft'ers in clay the farmer that sold me the hedging cedars told me to take the RX30 to them....... it is an acidic plant food evergreens need this to survive more so than the type of earth that they are planted in. He also told me they wont grow much for the first 2-3yrs..... ya know what he was right in the fourth year these trees took right off when they were about 6-7yrs old since I planted them they were 12ft high and healthy... man what a beautful hedge we have since moved but when I go by it makes me smile to see such a healthy beautiful hedge and all because of the RX30 I dont think they make that specific brand of acidic plant food anymore so you will need to ask I think Miricle-Gro makes it now.........

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