We have a cat palm that is doing quite well, it is new and surprised us by flowering! Not long after that though, some of the older fronds started looking poorly, and uppon closer inspection, they are wrapped with web. Is this simply a household spider taking advantage? Or is this a plant specific issue? Thanks!
does the web look like the usual spider webs or is it much finer and with less form than the usual webs have? if yes to finer and less formed, then you probably have spider mites. they don't like moist conditions, so, spritzing the palm daily will eventually get rid of them. you can use plain water or you can use a miticide. although, water with a drop or two of liquid dish soap would be as effective. spritz daily at least once a day. it may take some time to be completely rid of them...
Thank you for a quick and concise answer. I would say it looks like spider mites as the web is different form a household spider, yet clearly a web of sorts. Thank you!
Spiders mites, almost guaranteed. The slow decline is characteristic of spider mite infection, as they suck on the sap in the leaves. Give your plant a shower, and then spray it with insecticidal soap. Just spraying the leaves with water will not do much, because the water evaporates too quickly.
One treatment will probably not get rid of them if you do have spidermites, (which it sounds like it does) You may need to treat the palm once a week for a few weeks to get rid of them, or, to at least keep their numbers down. Also, you'll want to keep it as far away as possible from any other plants you may have, or they to can become infested, Not pretty!
the4 good thing about spider mites is that there easy to get rid of.. better then scales, shick these palms are kows to always have