I've been noticing that my cat keeps chewing at the tips of my 2 ponytail palms. The chewed up ends look horrible!! Is there any way that I can stop her from eating my babies? *moonlitpath*
I have found cayenne pepper powder or oil will work against many pests, including some animals. Just sprinkle a little on your cat...just kidding. ; )
That funny, here I'm hopping to get the solution, my son cats are doing the same thing on my 2 sago palms. moonlidpath, sharing your pain.
The cats are chewing Sago? I'd have figured they'd have gotten over that at first bite! Question being of course, which is going to bite which? ;-)
spice worked for me. try boiling/mashing up some chili peppers and either painting the spicy water onto the tips with a paintbrush, or spritzing with a small spray bottle. you can also buy stuff called Bitter Apple from most pet stores. another solution is filling up a water gun (with regular water!) and spraying the cat whenever you see them chewing on your plant. If you don't have a water gun, you can use one of those 591ml pop bottles by using a hot needle to poke a hole in the top of the cap. just aim and squeeze. worked my little schnook out of plucking at our carpets in the morning to wake us up, though this does take quite some persistence! i've heard or placing tape/aluminum foil/other varied items in a protective circle around the pot. apparently cats hate stepping on that kind of stuff. i haven't tried this though, since i imagine it would look a little silly. if all else fails, move the pant to high/inaccessible ground (hanging pots can be saviours:). good luck!