I am growing a cashew nut tree (from seed). It is about two feet tall and has about a dozen full size leaves and a bunch of newly forming ones. It is indoors on my west facing kitchen window. My question is: The lower leaves have a smooth, simple form. The upper most full leaves (4) and the newer leaves are all growing with a ragged edge, as if some thing is taking bites out of them. I cannot detect any indication of insects or mould. Does anyone have any idea what this could be and how to remedy it?
A photo might help. Note: be cautious with this plant, it has the same chemical urushiol in its sap as poison-ivy; if you get a rash from poison-ivy, you likely will from cashew too.
Maybe a micronutrient problem - too much or not enough of one - or exposure to cooler temperatures than it likes.
Thats no fun that the sap also gives you that rash >:| i bought some seeds over the internet from seedrack and got them setup in their littler germination chamber later when i got back home i read on one of their instruction papers that it is known to give a contact dermatitus.* It was not a fun experience.
Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, my cashew nut grew to about 2 feet had several leaves and then all new leaves changed to a different shape and eventually the whole thing died. I touched the leaves several times and did not experience any problem with the sap. However, I have heard that it can be caustic. Am looking for more seeds, so I can try again but first I need to figure out what went wrong the first time.
I submerged them in a container of water away from light and kept the water fresh. Do that very carefully, as the new growth is delicate. In my first attempt, I potted it in a small pot, intending to repot as needed. However, when I tried that the roots were so delicate that I damaged it. So, the next time I bought a tall but not too wide pot and placed it in there. That seemed successful and the tree grew for about a year. Then you saw what happened in my pictures. Good luck with yours.
You may want to read this article. There are some pertinent points made that you may need to know. Indoor culture for these plants may be hard to find online but Cashews have been known to be experimentally grown in greenhouses. What you need to learn is how did they do it and were they successful growing Cashews indoors. Cultivating cashew nuts Jim
Thank you for the links, i love reading info on plants, hard to find, but i've come across a site that i pretty much fell in love with the pictures http://www.asiaticgreen.com/index.html if you like orchids and stuff..
they are related to mangoes also. which i am alergic to but the nuts coating can be very caustic and it is not recommended trying to roast any nuts you may get off the plant you nore you're neibors would be very happy with the fumes they are said to create. and the nut is the seed the actual fruit of the cashew develops just above the nut the stem swells up and makes what is called a cashew apple i would probably never try it seeing as how i am allergic to mangoes,poison ivy and brazilian peppers so i would not chance being allergic to the cashew as they are all related. it is said to be a good fruit but personally i will stick to stuff that will not burn me or make me break out in a rash.