Carrierea calycina

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    There didn't seem to be any photo of Carrierea calycina on the forums, though there is a thread of that name in the Davidsonia forum, with a link to Peter Wharton's Davidsonia article entitled "Carrierea calycina, the goat horn tree – a two part account of its history in western cultivation and recent reintroduction". The Carrierea in the garden were grown from seeds collected by Peter Wharton. The last photo in this group was from May 9 this year, same accession but different individual.
    20130730_UBCBG_CarriereaCalycina_Cutler_P1510087.jpg 20130730_UBCBG_CarriereaCalycina_Cutler_P1510088.jpg 20130730_UBCBG_CarriereaCalycina_Cutler_P1510090.jpg 20130730_UBCBG_CarriereaCalycina_Cutler_P1510091.jpg

    I think it was Douglas Justice who wrote the description, in a photo specification document, of "leaves with distinctively salicoid marginal teeth, with each tooth terminated by a small spherical gland". Too bad I forgot to check that while I was there, but maybe these photos show that. This tree is in the Salicaceae family now.
    20130730_UBCBG_CarriereaCalycina_Cutler_P1510099.JPG 20130509_UBCBG_CarriereaCalycina_Cutler_P1450114c.JPG

    Nadia is really put out that we have not seen flowers on these trees, yet she has seen the flowers at VanDusen.
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I didn't remember why we were interested in Carrierea nine years ago, but I remembered that it was the case, so I photographed this one that I came across today, to the west of the Wharton Grove and this whatever-it-is area.
    Carrierea-calycina_UBCBG-3ADA_Cutler_20220901_151205.jpg Carrierea-calycina_UBCBG-3ADA_Cutler_20220901_151238.jpg Carrierea-calycina_UBCBG-3ADA_Cutler_20220901_151314.jpg Carrierea-calycina_UBCBG-3ADA_Cutler_20220901_151327.jpg Carrierea-calycina_UBCBG-3ADA_Cutler_20220901_151353.jpg

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