Hello, I scattered Gunnera Seeds from my gunnera on my bog garden 1 month ago and found a tiny plant with one leaf exactly the same shape as an ivy leaved toadflax but was hairy and had veins clearly visible on each leaf. The two lower leaves were oval and there was a leaf coming from the middle of the plant in the same fashion as a Gunnera Manicata. The reason I am asking you is because you have grown gunnera seeds. Is it a Gunnera? Could you send me an image of a Gunnera seedling please? Also I have taken root cuttings from my Gunnera. Will they work? Thanks
Sorry James, I only just saw my name blaring out to me. I guess you figured out what you have. If your having a hard time sprouting them, try bottom heat indoors. The root cutting wil probably be easier, I split one of my large ones into three this past spring, now I have three medium size ones, for very little effort on my part, (okay it was a bit back breaking, but you know what I mean.)