I bought a home carnivorous plant kit back in April. It appears that there was a Venus fly trap and pitch yet plant rhizomes in kit. I have gotten them to sprout, but now not sure what to do. My fly traps appear to be dying, is it because they don’t have flies they are catching? I thought it would be too young to catch them? Also, my pitcher plant started wilting several days ago, I don’t know why. Please help!! I use RO water to water a few oz daily, they don’t sit in water, just dampen the moss.
Yes humidity, also sun. Anywhere indoors would be very low light for these, get them more (incrementally, don't burn them all at once). Daily water might actually be too much for your light levels, that looks really waterlogged. Ideal would be to water right before that sphagnum moss turns crunchy; you would water just when it starts to have a texture change. That could often, depending on your conditions, be several days, or in a terrarium even longer. They do not need to eat bugs to get started growing well.
My sundews seem to do well in pots filled with long fiber sphagnum moss that are allowed to sit in a shallow pan of water. The roots are constantly moist but the moss allows enough air in to allow them to breathe.
I also have sundews and Nepenthes that sit in a shallow tray of water all the time. If Camaran could get both that plant and the moss looking healthy again first, I think that would be a really good option.
It sits in the south window that gets sun all day. I'll try cutting back the watering and seeing if that helps! Thanks for all the tips. Another pitcher plant sprig seems to be coming up, so gonna try not to kill this one in the process! :P
You'll want to be careful with heat buildup if you're moving them into an enclosed terrarium, especially when it's behind a window with a southern exposure.
Thank you guys so much for your input! I transferred them to enclosed terrarium and seems like humidity has increased. I am watering when the moss looks dried out... and now I have 2 new pitcher plants coming up!! Thanks for your tips!
Nice job, Camaran. Just a heads-up, you may want to plan ahead for when those 2 new shoots blast past the height of your container. :)
They might fit, but if they don't, having too much gorgeous, exotic tall carnivorous plant is a great problem to have! Most people grow these outdoors sitting in a very shallow tray of water under them.