I bought 2 containers with small sago palms about 5 months ago. I replanted them in 10inch containers about 3 months ago. They are both indoor next to windows. 1 is doing great the other one has light brown or tan tips on some of the leaves. A few of the leaves are completely lite tan. My question is: Should I cut off the tips? Should I cut off the whole leaf? should I cut them at all? And what would cause this plants leaves to turn tan? I have been watering them every 10 days. And feeding them at the same time. Thanks for any help.
They aren't that easy to kill off, but the tan parts are dead. It could be from various things, to much direct sun to quickly would be the first thing I would say. The other is that you might be feeding a little to much for that particular plant. You could cut off the tanned stuff, it won't make any difference. As when it puts on new growth, it will discard old fronds, as it can only support so many at a time.
i have a few sagos in yard.feed them with maganese,sometime sold as palm food,i would cut the entire frond off if unsightly.that will push it to shoot sooner.i doubt you have a prob, but aphids will do that too.sagos usually only shoot new fronds once a year.by the way there are male and female plants and they are quite different.that wont have any bearing on pruning.i usaually wont prune untill new growth appears and then i cut all old fronds off
Since only one of your sagos (Latin name Cycas revoluta) has this problem I would say it is probably just shedding the old leaves before putting out a flush of new ones. Just make sure you do not over-water it, that is the absolute worst thing you can do to a cycad. Cut off the brown fronds if they get too unsightly; your cycad will survive it.