Care of Plum trees

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Chrissie, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Chrissie

    Chrissie Member

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    Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
    I have 2 plum trees, 1 is an Italian and the other a Damson.They are about 4 years old and have just started to bloom sparingly this year. I noticed today that they seem to have a lot of ants on them and the leaves were being chewed quite a bit and was wondering if this was the norm or should I spray them to control the ants? If so, what would be best? I live in Nova Scotia.
  2. vitog

    vitog Contributor 10 Years

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    Burnaby, Canada
    I have an Italian Prune plum with 3 other varieties grafted on to it. It's at least 15 years old, and every year ants go up the tree to tend their flocks of aphids. They particularly like the Prune plum. As soon as I notice ants on the tree, I apply a band of Tree Tanglefoot around the lower part of the trunk. This controls the ants and limits the damage from aphids. However, once the aphids are established, spraying with a pesticide is the only way I've been able to get rid of them. As far as I know, the ants are only interested in the aphids and do not cause any damage themselves. Your chewed leaves probably come from some other pest.

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