I've just purchased an Echinopsis oxygona, and was wondering if anyone could give me some insight into this plant. I have the basic care instructions, but am looking for more than the basics. I'm a bit concerned about keeping it healthy as I live in Victoria BC, and we have quite a bit of cloud cover, and cool summers. Also the plant came in a very deep nursery pot (looks like 2 gallon?), and I would like to repot it into something that is shallower, and more complementary to the plant. I've read that their bloom times are May, so perhaps I should wait for a bit? I may need to trim some roots to take it from a deep pot to a shallow one. Is that going to be a problem? There are many offsets on the plant, almost too many. Better to leave them on, or take some off? The mother plant is almost obscured by the babies. Anyway, those are some of the questions I have. Your advice would be appreciated.