Canna Lilies

Discussion in 'Annuals, Biennials, Perennials, Ferns and Bulbs' started by McNeil, Apr 8, 2006.

  1. McNeil

    McNeil Member

    Likes Received:
    campbell river b.c.
    I am not sure how to plant these beauties or when to plant out in zone 7b.

    Also can I keep them planted in pots and if so how large should the pot be.

    I have been offered some bulbs from a friend but as I am moving from one house to another the 3rd week in May I just don't know if I should plant them up in pots . I am moving to zone 8. Any advice would be appreciated greatly.
  2. Carol Ja

    Carol Ja Active Member 10 Years

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    Salt Spring Island
    You can grow them in pots, I had a few inside over the winter, and they gave me loads of flowers. The rest of mine live outside all year, I'm in a zone 8, I mulch them, for the winter. They seem pretty hardy, if your in doubt, wait till last frost before you put in ground.
  3. McNeil

    McNeil Member

    Likes Received:
    campbell river b.c.
    Hi Carol, Thank you for the info, do you think I could start them now and keep them in the garage, or should I wait untill I move and plant them say May 25th or would be to late. I am moving from Campbell River to Sechelt and they and the rest of my plants will be moved in a U-Haul behind the car. I know Canna's grown quick. Anymore advice would be great. Mc.Neil
  4. Carol Ja

    Carol Ja Active Member 10 Years

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    Salt Spring Island
    You could probably get away with either, but if your going to store them in a dark garage, don't give them much water or they'll rot.

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