I have about 30 Garry Oaks on my property. Last year the cankerworms made a mess of them. This year, we are putting up tree bands with tanglefoot. A number of the oaks are next to fir, hemlock and holly trees with the leaves touching. Do I need to band these other trees as well?
Hmm, I assume it is the caterpillars mentioned in this article: http://www.cowichanlandtrust.ca/portfolio-items/invasive-animals/ They make specific mention that it is most effective for isolated trees. If no one else replies here, you can try contacting the Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team, GOERT : Our Team & Contacts : Contact the Team , but it seems like they formally disbanded this year due to lack of funding...
I wonder how the Nature Conservancy of Canada manages this risk at their precious Garry Oak preserve in Cowichan (Duncan ) BC Any info avail fr them ? NCC: Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve
EDIT - I meant to say above that there are many isolated oaks and isolated conifers at the NCC Cowichan Preserve .. and some in closer reach so maybe the NCC people know the current science response to the OP specific question about banding nearby trees of other species (ie the Garry oaks only or all types of trees in the grove. See the short video on the website linked above .