Has anyone had any experience with this company? I wa browsing the prices on the Alocasias, mostly wondering about quaility and such. www.bambooplant.ca/index.html
I purchased cannas and bamboos from them last summer. I did go to their nursery in cloverdale and did not order through the internet but I was very happy both with the plants I bought and the knowledge of the staff. my two cents.
Carol, I just picked up an order of bamboo from them yesterday. My folks live in CHWK so I have an excuse to travel out there. (They are located in Chilliwack, not Cloverdale) I got a 5 gallon Bambusa 'Alphonse Karr' and another small varieagated bamboo (the name escapes me). I also have ordered from them in the past. They have a great selection of the hard to find kinds and are close by. This is why I use them. I do feel that the plants are small for the price (or expensive for the size), but they are healthy. They are good people to deal with as well.
all I remember is that it was a long drive out there! Did not seem so far from the ferries on the map!
palmera. Once, I was going to bring in some Bambusa mulitplex 'Alphonse Karr' for a contact wanting some. My supplier promptly informed me it was borderline during our coldest weather. ABS has this one rated at -8 celcius (17.5 f), so I informed my contact and she re-thought her desicion. Was your small variegated bamboo a Pleioblastus species? Cheers, LPN.
Yes, all Bambusa are tropical. Minimum temperature tolerances of more hardy kinds do not indicate an ability to grow for long periods yearround in the north.
Barrie, my small variegated bamboo is a Hibanobambusa tranquillans shiroshima. Whew, that's a mouthful! A tough, hardy type(-23C) that likes shade. This one's going into a pot at my front door. A real nice looking leaf, check out CBW's site for a photo. She's too small to split now but we'll see what we can do later... As for the Alphonse Karr, I know it's borderline, but Mary Dawn here at Island Specialty has had some success with one planted out so I thought I'd give it a go. Living in zonal denial, you know! How many of us have plants in the ground that are supposed to be tropical only?
palmera, I looked up Hibanobambusa tranquillans 'Shiroshima' in my ABS listings and they have it as a maximum height of 16' tall, maximum culm diameter 1.3" and rated to -18c (0f). Sounds like you picked a winner! Let it get well established for a number of years before you atempt to divide it. All my palms are looking great after the latest installment of winter has now passed. Cheers, LPN.