Hi Y'all, I recently purchased a 'Corallinum' from a reputable online source and instead of the tree I ordered, I received something else (see pictures below). I have never grown 'Corallinum', hence the purchase :) , but from what I have studied about the cultivar, this little tree is DEFINITELY NOT 'CORALLINUM'! The tree I received is very young (and my phone's camera not so good) but the leaf margins are almost serrated-looking. Leaves are very small, deeply divided, and their color is a deep grey-green, with new ones a dark red. Do you know this tree? Can you tell me where I might order a real 'Corallinum'? I appreciate any and all input! Thank you for your help!
for me not is Corrallinum for forme of leaves ,for coulor of leaves (second pics )are similar Corallinum, probabily that is very young for definitely ID ,next spring is more easy
Juvenile leaves, and specially the second seasonal growth, often depart substantially from the cultivar type. I would wait for next Spring growth to attempt to make a final assessment. Gomero
I appreciate the input. The older leaves from this Spring look exactly as the new ones do - thin, serrated-edge, lobes. I was under the impression that Corallinum had short, smooth lobes - almost star-shaped leaves. THANK YOU for chiming in!
Ask the supplier. Might be another named variety they have (or had) in stock, that they will be able to recognize from your pictures.
I did send the same images and questions to the seller - Herter Nursery. They are very nice people and have always sent me quality product, so I am hoping it is just a mix up of some sort. I will update this thread if I hear anything back... :)
Often there are workers involved who do not know the plants, sometimes mix up labels. Stick tags may get stuck in the wrong pot(s) during transplanting, label may fall or blow off of a stock plant in the field and get re-attached to the wrong specimen, and so on. Sometimes a nursery may be putting out quantities of the wrong item even when what it was supposed to be was their own introduction.