Hello from France. The plant ( or little tree?) that I can't identify is in the foreground and in the middle. It's the one whose leaves are green with yellow spots. The leaves are attached directly on the stalk, from the base up to the top. (I dont talk about the other plant on the left, that has leaves that are green in the center and yellow on the external parts, and looks like a Schefflera.) This plant ( or little tree?) was sent to me from Reunion's island. Thank you a lot for your help and attention. Merci! Marie
Thank you for your answer! Yes it seems to look like a AUCUBA Japonica, family of " Cornacea". It can give some red berries . Leaves and berries are toxic. Photos and texts about Aucuba Japonica : http://www.monrovia.com/PlantInf.nsf/0/8ab248bac2054e6c8825684d00705a40?OpenDocument http://www.aujardin.info/plantes/aucuba_japonica.php
Aucuba Japonica or Codiaeum? Thanks to Jimmy and to RonB for their answers. Now, I still cant find if it's an " Aucuba" or a " Codiaeum". I have been looking at pictures, and I am not sure ..... Maybe it looks like more an Aucuba....? I really dont know, now. I will work again on this. Merci , thank you for your sharing! Have a good day. Lnmari
I'm voting with Ron on this one, I think it's a croton of some variety. It does strongly resemble A. japonica though.
aw c'mon, we all know that Ron has this one right .. I was just throwing out an idea on first glance. Go with Codiaeum, I think its the better choice. This time :)
hi Paul with the arrangement you bought your Wife you are most likely correct.That it was and still is an acuba ?It is common in Canada (and our friends in Europe use croton cuttings in cut flower stuff) . Regards Doug PS I not like you as MY WIFE read this and I am In the DOG HOUSE now. no flowers today. LOL Merry Hollidays to ALL and all the Best???
idnetify I also think that this plant is a type of croton. You could always look it up on google images. Hope I can help, Luke.
I have this plant I rec'd a plant like this several years ago in a little gift basket. It is now nearly 8 feet tall! I've been trying to find out exactly what it is. Now I've got a couple of ideas to work from! Thanks.