I got this plant for a gift and I have replanted it in another pot, but it is not doing well. Can anyone help and tell me what it is and how to care for them.
i have the same plant, its a parlor palm. i think the leaves browning may be due to low humidity, i think atleast
These palms like their soil a little on the moist side all the time. You don't want the soil to dry out, or stay wet. It's a little bit of a balancing act. Let the top inch or so almost dry before watering again. They also like bright indirect light, also dapple sun is ok. Brown tips can also be caused by dried out, or wet soil (poor draiange, staying wet too long) other causes, over-feeding and the use of hard water. The brown tips will be less, or almost non-exsistant with the right care and a small well draining pot. Dilute fertilzer to 1/3 strength in the spring and summer months.