Identification: can someone tell me what this plant is?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Mike_montreal, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. Mike_montreal

    Mike_montreal Member

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    montreal, canada
    FONT=Comic Sans MS]undefined[/FONT]undefinedany info would be apreciated:)[undefined

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  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Appears to be Pachira aquatica, commonly known as Money Tree, Guyana Chestnut, and Malabar Chestnut.
  3. Mike_montreal

    Mike_montreal Member

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    montreal, canada
    thanks for the info!!

    thanks alot junglekeeper , it would have been hard to find out what it was without a little help. now i just have to figure out what this plant likes..they say it lives by the water or in swamps but it also says if you water it like twice a week it will die...conflicting reports...anyone know what the light and watering habits are for this tree?

    thanks in advance
  4. info

    The money tree, I have one as tall as me in my sunroom and I have one smaller (like yours) in another room. My mom has a large one as well in her office and in September I am going to purchase one for my classroom. The reason I am telling you all of this is because it is a very very easy plant to take care of. It likes bright light or medium light. It doesn't care if it is dry or moist. It is not picky. I water my big one every Saturday and it is growing large stems that were touching the ceiling of my sunroom until I but it back. Beautiful plant! You can get them with braided trunks or straight stems. Very cool
  5. where can i buy one in montreal? i want one for my restaurent

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