I bought this plant today. It's about a foot and a half tall. It had a tall bloom on it. The color was almost purple. The bloom came out from 1 stem and was about five branches of small blooms. Thanks!
Ni. I wish I could but I bought one for less becuase the flowers were all but gone...:{ I am looking and wonder if it might be draceana as well.. Thanks for the help..:}
Leaf shape might be that of Cordyline fruticosa, there is the remains of a cut off flower spike near the top which could help indicate what it is.
I agree with Cordyline, and if its new foliage is dark purple, it may even be C. stricta but more than likely what Ron stated.
i didn't quite think it was a drac... i have to investigate cordyline. it's not something i'm familiar with and the purple reference has peaked my interest!! ;)